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What is Artificial Intelligence, Really?

Savanah Freeborn
3 min readNov 12, 2021


Spoiler alert: it’s not as mysterious as you might think.

Essentially, artificial intelligence (AI) is the coding of computers to make human-like decisions and actions. Online tools like Amazon, online banking, even your spam filters are run by AI.

Although the term “artificial intelligence” might sound confusing, it is an intuitive step in advancing coding to the next level. As technology has progressively improved over the years, so have the concepts of our “if, then” statements.

Every move we make on computers is directed and completed by code. AI is an extra layer of coding that analyzes data to decide future actions.

Are Computers Actually Intelligent?

Computers are certainly not thinking for themselves, but effective AI can mimic comprehension, learning, and problem-solving behaviors. That might sound spooky to those less familiar with the workings of tech. Though from a coding perspective, it’s not as far out as you might imagine.

As with any new technology, AI is tied to a level of hype and uncertainty. Though some might argue that the idea of computers acting human-like is far more unsettling than most tech advances we have encountered so far.

Should You Be Worried About the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence?

It may be alarming to imagine our inability to discern human actions from AI actions in a digital world. On top of privacy and discrimination concerns, people are worried that computers might start outsmarting them. Even more distressing is the concept of AI eventually even replacing us in the workplace.

Worries surrounding these capabilities have fed a worldwide conversation on AI ethics.

AI ethics attempt to establish a moral playing field for how AI should function. The intention is to set a standard of principles to define a “right and wrong” way for businesses to use AI.

Large corporations are highly incentivized to follow these guidelines, and many have faced serious backlash. Although a certain, possibly even warranted, level of distrust stands with AI, many companies are attempting to regulate negative AI behaviors.

Breaching these standards can come with legal penalties. Businesses that are utilizing AI should be highly considerate of how they interpret and utilize their data.

The Good News

As a user, it is important to always be cautious with how your data is being shared online. However, it should be emphasized that AI is not all bad. In fact, you probably find yourself thankful for actions completed by AI systems as you navigate the online world daily.

Online features that we interact with and find to be highly convenient are oftentimes the result of data analysis processes designed with that exact intention in mind. Though the concept of AI may sound concerning to many, the truth is, it is highly useful. Not only that, but it is also making your life easier in far more ways than you would expect.

